Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer Update 2012

Wow, I kind of suck at remembering to update this more than once every few months. But, most of the time, I'm busy with a little thing called life. Life has been so crazy over the past few months. I managed to get on the Dean's List for both semesters this past year. I got an internship this summer that has just recently ended. I had one heck of a school year and one heck of a summer, but I've made it through. I know nobody probably even reads this blog, but it helps me vent my ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. If I didn't have a place to put everything, I don't know what I'd do and I do keep a journal, but having a stranger come by once in a blue moon and maybe even read a sentance or two makes a person feel good.

But, as for school, a new semester is coming up within the next two weeks. I can't wait for it to start. I'm taking two upper level history classes, one upper level political science class, one upper level human development course (which is apart of my pre-education course load), and an introductory psychology class. It should be interesting to see how it all turns out. The only teacher I know personally is my political science teacher because I had her before for a class this past fall. So, that class shouldn't be too extremly hard because I know what to expect. But, the other teachers, I have no idea about. But, in the end, it should go by smoothly. I should hopefully do really well in the Colonial America History class. That class sounded interesting since I first saw it on the list of classes I could take. I've heard that the teacher is hard though, as in she gives a lot of writing assignments and excepts a lot of juice out of the readings. I've done a lot worse in my life, so it doesn't really matter in the end.

As for my personal life, my family is being their sterotypical crazy selves and my boyfriend is away on a vacation. My boyfriend, Kitty, went to Chicago on tuesday and should be back on saturday or sunday. I miss him...a lot. But, that's ok, a few days apart are meant to show how much you love and miss the person. Boy, how it is doing that perfectly. But, I will see him again in a few days. I have been trying to pass the time since he left by going out with friends, helping my family out and doing stuff for my brother's high school marching band. I just can't believe he's going to be starting school here in less than a week and he's going to be a senior in high school. One of my next door neighbors, Amanda, graduated from high school back in June and is heading upto Radford with me in a few weeks. It feels so weird that she's going to be going to school with me yet again. The last time we went to the same school was way back in the day when we went to Green Valley Elementary School (I know, makes me feel old because I am such an old fart). Not only that, but she's majoring in something similar to my major. She's doing elementary education, while I'm doing secondary social studies education, with a second major in history. So, it feels weird saying that we're going to be going to school together.

As for my family, they are their crazy selves. My brother is still a paranoid germaphobe. My mom is still her crazy self. She hasn't been able to find a job yet, but she has been able to find a way to go back to college and get a certifate in something she has been itching to do for years now. She's going back to get her certifate in Medical Billing and Coding, which basically means she'll be able to get all the coding right, so that your insurance doesn't get screwed up and is sent to the right places. She's been wanting to do that for years and now, she has her chance. She's signed up for four classes as of right now and she's nervous, excited, and other things as well. She's just has a number of emotions going through her head right now as she is about to head off to school. But, as for my dad, he's his typical self. Don't know what to say about him besides he's himself.

But, as for the rest of my life, it's life. It goes on and on and on, as usual. I just hope that the next week or so goes by quickly, so that I can go up to Radford and start enjoying my semester and getting it done. I have been waiting for this for the entire summer and that's saying quite a bit. As for now, goodbye and may peace be with you forever.

~Jonathan Coleman

Friday, February 24, 2012

Life and School

Wow, I can't believe it's almost March already. In like a week, I'll be off for spring break, but not after like three mid-term exams, which is going to suck majorly. But, afterwards, I can worry about having nothing to do and all the time in the world....until I have to go back to school though. But, that shouldn't be too horrible. It means I've hit the halfway point and I don't have to worry too much any longer about school this semester. Means that I've made it halfway through one of the longest semesters of my life, so thank goodness for that. But, how are you guys hanging in out there in interweb land, to coin a word from Tyler Perry and Madea. I hope that you guys are doing incredibly well and that nothing is holding you down or bothering you. I would be sad if it was. I would try and make it all better and try to make you happy yet again. Well, I hope that you guys are doing good and nothing is bogging you down or anything, but I have to go and work on a couple assignments for classes, as well as study guides for the midterms, so I will talk to you guys here later on!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Life, school, and love

Well, life is slowly coming along slowly but surely. I think this semester is the one that is going to kick my ass. I hope that it does not go too badly, but knowing my luck, it will be hell. But, at least Kitty and I are doing alright. Anyway, I hope that you guys are doing well and that you had a goods Valentine's day and a wonderful New Years!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

SOPA and NDAA-From an outsider view

Well, if any you haven't noticed, the Stop Online Piracy Act and the National Defense Authorization Act have been signed into law right around New Year. Apparently, President Obama at first didn't want anything to do with it, but then again, he signed it into law. But, recently, it was said that the White House didn't support neither of them. So, it leaves one to wonder, who is really supporting who and what?

Well, to begin, to fill you in on what these two acts basically are. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a law that would put even more power into the government's hands, letting them take down any website that they thing is putting up illegal material. But, it also makes it where the government is able to take down such websites as Facebook, Youtube, and Google. So, basically, anyone can say that it's theirs and have a website taken down, just because they say so. They could have a grudge against the website, thus saying that and leading to the take down of the website. So, this law is a bullshit law and should be taken down.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is one of many Defense Authorization Acts that have been enacted annually, by the President of the United States. But, the NDAA 2012 basically gives the government the authority to detain anyone, even a law abiding United States citizen, on the aussumption of being a terriorist, and the person being detained can be held indefinately and without just cause basically.

So, what does this mean for America and her citizens? It means that the government can come and pick you up for being a suspected terrorist and hold you for as long as they wish, without even telling you what they're holding you for. It's as if America has turned against us in a time of need. But, don't blame the president entirely. He's not the only one at falt, if at fault at all. Think about it, since not a lot of people tend to think of it like this alot. You have to have laws come through Congress first. The House of Representatives first, followed by the Senate and then, it hits the President's desk, but not before. Plus, things usually starts with Congress. Only one time out of ten, I would say, the President starts a law into motion. So, don't always blame the President, even though he's not entirely blameless in this (and this is coming from a hardcore liberal democrat who voted for Obama).

So, what can you do to counter all of this bad, icky laws and acts? Talk to your Representatives in Congress. Senators, Congressmen, House of Rep people. Hell, even send stuff to the President. If we send out our voices and make it known that we will not stand for this intolerance, than we will be able to get stuff done. But, that's only if we all send things in and make the people aware of what's going on. We need to take a stance on these issues and make sure that America is a free place to come and learn and grow as people. If we can't stand up and have a free voice, then what are we? Definitely not America. So, go out and make your voice heard and use your first amendment rights!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

School Update 2011-2012-Update #1

Well, School started a few months ago and a lot has happened in those few months to say the least. I sprained my ankle again before heading off to school and then, I didn't talk to my boyfriends hardly at all uring the month of October, because I was being a dumbass to the extreme. Then, my boyfriend, kitty, got hit by a car and got amnesia. Couldn't even remember his last name or the day he was born. But, luckily, he has been slowly getting it back. So, that's a good thing and I'm happy he's been getting it back.

But, as for school, it's been one crazy year. I've had so many papers and projects to do for classes, that I'm suprised I've made it to November. But, in less than two weeks, I get off for Thankgiving break and I'm so happy about that. I've been waiting for a nice little break and I'm finally seeing one at the end of the tunnel so to say. I just can't believe that I'm getting mostly As and Bs this semester. There is only one class I fear that I might get a C in and that is Civil War and Reconstruction history. But, a lot of people I think, are in the same boat as I am because of the quizzes and stuff that we've gotten. So, I don't feel as bad now about the class. I'm just happy to be getting two As and two Bs this semester. I'm taking four upper level classes this semester and getting four As and Bs?! So, that's amazing to say the least and I'm happy. I just want to get through another year at Radford University and make it without going completly insane :P But, knowing my luck, I probably will go a little looney. But, it could be a lot worse; I could still be in the music department. Anyway, got to run, so I'll catch you guys later!! :)